Please note that this publisher API endpoint is currently in BETA. Please contact your RevOps Manager or if you have questions regarding this documentation. |
The Sharethrough Reporting API offers publishers a programmatic way to access performance data. It's a HTTP API that follows a RESTful design pattern. You can retrieve results in a CSV or JSON format.
Note: If you are unable to access this data through an API connection, please contact your Account Manager who can give you a URL to access these fields in a UI. From there, you can download your own reports. |
If you have access to the current API, your token is valid for this V2 Supply API Endpoint. If you need a new token, please reach out to or through your Sharethrough contact. |
The Sharethrough Reporting API uses API Keys to authenticate requests. Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth.
Be sure to not share your API key to keep your data secure. Also, all API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail. |
Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN_STRING
Accept: text/csv (if you want results in CSV format, for JSON just omit the header)
Parameter | Required? | Description | Example |
| Required | Start date of the data | "2020-03-01" |
| Required | End date of the data | "2020-03-01" |
| Required | Publishers you wish to pull data for | ["publisherKey1", "publisherKey2"] |
| Required | Metric fields you wish to pull | ["wins", "clicks"] |
| Optional | Add in case you wish to group your data by any dimensions listed. | ["publisher_name", "site_name"] |
| Optional. If specified a value of no more than 3 filterBy objects as defined by separate table below | Add in case you wish to filter your data by any dimensions listed below (up to 3) | [ {field: ”publisher_name”, value: “Test Pub”}, {field: “site_name”, value: “Some site name”} ] |
| Optional | Must be a valid IANA timezone. If not specified, results are returned by UTC timezone. (list here) |
| Optional | Requests also return timestamp and a query ID that can be shared with Sharethrough for debugging purposes | "debug": true |
| Optional. | When not specified, only matching results are returned - that is, the operator is assumed to be “EQUALS”. Possible values for this property are
| Required | This is the name of the dimension field on which you wish to filter. |
| Required | Evaluated against the field in manner determined by filter. |
Format: We support JSON and CSV Outputs
Date Range: Historical information is available up for 1 year
All numbers are reported in time zone UTC (+00:00), unless the 'timezone' attribute is specified in the request body
Data available in the API is processed hourly. For a full day's worth of data, we recommend pulling next day.
Sharethrough uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.
HTTP Code | Definition | Conditions when used |
| General Success | Successful |
| Bad Request | The API cannot process this request. This is usually because the request payload is malformed (i.e. missing fields, or improper/non-existent fields or filters specified) |
| Unauthorized | No valid API key provided |
| Forbidden | The API key doesn’t have permissions to perform the request |
| Not found | The requested resource doesn’t exist |
| Server errors | Something went wrong on Sharethrough’s end |
The table below describes the types of dimensions that can be accessed through the API. You can group and/or filter by one or more (up to 6) of the following values:
Dimension | API Representation | Notes |
Publisher Name |
| Name of the publisher |
Site |
| Collection of placements that often correspond to a website or application. Example: "" |
Primary Domain |
| The primary domain associated with the incoming web request. |
Notable Domain |
| The notable domain associated with the incoming web request. Example: “” |
Country |
| Two or three letter code abbreviation for the country. Example: "US" |
Placement Name |
| Name given to the placement or ad slot. |
Placement Key |
| Integration key associated with incoming request. Example: "bQRKnWWz6KnFqsGmttQmCoGP" |
Device Type |
| Possible values for filtering are:
Date |
| Date which the impression was first requested. Example: "2020-08-10" |
Hour |
| Hour an impression was requested. Possible values 1-24. |
Supply Integration |
| The name of the supply integration path to filter by. There are many possible values to supply as filters for this property. Below is a partial list of examples:
Type |
| The type of the site (i.e. app or web). Possible values are
App Bundle ID |
| The bundle ID for a given app. This is a string whose format varies across providers (e.g. “com.something.else” for Android, “1234567” for iOS, etc.) |
OS Type |
| The operating system of the user, as determined by user agent. Possible values are
Placement Size |
| Size of the placement when set up by STR (display only placements) |
The table below describes the header bidding metrics that can be accessed through the API: At least one field is required in the request:
Field | API Representation | Description |
Impression Requests |
| Total impression requests that the site sends to Sharethrough. |
Server Impressions |
| When a bid wins our internal auction. For the majority of our supply we need to send this winning bid to participate in the publisher's downstream Header Bidding auction against other exchanges. |
Header Bidding Wins |
| Sharethrough wins the impression in the publisher ad server/HB wrapper auction and a signal is sent to the page, the impression is loaded but the assets are not yet rendered. |
Rendered Impressions |
| The served ad creative is rendered on the page. This is the payable event for publishers. |
Viewable Impressions |
| The ad comes at least 50% in view for at least 1 second. |
Earnings |
| Programmatic only. The estimated amount of revenue you’ve earned through the Sharethrough Exchange (STX) |
| The eCPM for the entries returned by the query. |
Clicks |
| The total number of times users clicked on ads |
| Click-through rate (= clicks /rendered impressions)
The percentage of rendered impressions that a user clicks on |
Fill Rate |
| = (rendered impressions/impressions requests)*100 The percentage of ad calls being filled with a creative for a given placement |
Viewability Rate |
| = viewable impressions/ rendered impressions The percentage of paid impressions that are viewable |
Render Rate |
| = (rendered impressions/ received impressions)*100 Once an impression is won and loaded, the percentage of times the assets are actually appearing/rendered on a page. |
Video Starts |
| When 50% of the video placement is in view (no minimum time) and there is no error, the player starts |
Video Start Rate |
| = (Video starts/Rendered impressions)*100 The percentage of videos that come into view and start once the final auction is won and the ad is rendered. |
Video Views (3+ seconds) |
| How many users reached 3 seconds during the video |
Video Views (10+ seconds) |
| How many users reached 10 seconds during the video |
Video Views (15+ seconds) |
| How many users reached 15 seconds during the video |
Video Views (30+ seconds) |
| How many users reached 30 seconds during the video |
25% Content Completion |
| How many users reached 25% of the video |
50% Content Completion |
| How many users reached 50% of the video |
75% Content Completion |
| How many users reached 75% of the video |
95% Content Completion |
| How many users reached 95% of the video |
Please reach out to if you need a token activated or deactivated.
{ "publishers": ["1234567"], "startDate": "2020-02-16", "endDate": "2020-02-18", "groupBy": ["date"], "fields": ["rendered_impressions", "viewable_impressions", "clicks", "pub_earnings"], } |
{ "results": [ { "DATE": "2020-02-17", "RENDERED_IMPRESSIONS": 3265224, "VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS": 1553567, "CLICKS": 8334, "PUB_EARNINGS": 43966411 }, { "DATE": "2020-02-18", "RENDERED_IMPRESSIONS": 3064240, "VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS": 1519001, "CLICKS": 7723, "PUB_EARNINGS": 43069528 }, { "DATE": "2020-02-16", "RENDERED_IMPRESSIONS": 3146531, "VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS": 1412046, "CLICKS": 7106, "PUB_EARNINGS": 443284816 } ] } |