Global Privacy Platform
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  • Global Privacy Platform


    We are excited to share that we have adopted and are now supporting the IAB Tech Lab’s Global Privacy Platform (GPP).

    What is the Global Privacy Platform (GPP)?

    The Global Privacy Platform (GPP) has the objective to enable all parties in the digital advertising chain to comply with regional privacy regulations more easily. It is a transport layer that communicates user consent and preference signaling throughout the digital supply chain that supports existing consent formats and is flexible enough to support new markets with unique needs. IAB Tech Lab stewards the development of these technical specifications.

    What do I need to do to support the GPP?

    GPP is supported via OpenRTB versions 2.x. Sharethrough is consuming signals via OpenRTB version 2.x.

    • If you use Prebid

      • GPP is supported via Sharethrough Prebid adapter version 7.48 and above.

    • If you use Amazon TAM

      • APS includes the GPP standard as an extension in the bidrequest.regs.ext.gpp, bidrequest.regs.ext.gpp_sid, and Bidrequest.regs.ext.gpc fields in our bid requests for oRTB versions 2.4/2.5.

    • If you use Google OB

      • For Google OB, support for GPP is available via OpenRTB version 2.5 but not version 2.6 viz bidrequest.regs.ext.gpp, bidrequest.regs.ext.gpp_sid.

    • Additional call outs

      • We recommend reviewing the IAB’s technical specifications for GPP for additional technical details.

      • Sharethrough is also supporting GPP via oRTB version 2.6 (the specs for GPP signals indicate they are to be sent via bidrequest.regs.gpp, bidrequest.regs.ext.gpp_sid).

    Is there a deadline for implementing GPP? And are the existing ways of sending signals via CCPA/GDPR deprecated by Sharethrough?

    • As of September 05, 2023, there has been no official deadline for implementing/enforcing GPP.

    • While Sharethrough has not deprecated existing/other ways of receiving/reading consent strings, we highly recommend publishers switch to GPP to ensure they're complying with the latest privacy laws. 

    Which consent strings are supported via the GPP by Sharethrough at this time?

    We'll be supporting the following consent strings via GPP:

    • US Privacy,

    • the IAB Europe TCF,

    • US-states-specific strings for California, Virginia, Utah, Colorado, and Connecticut via the MSPA (which will also get enforced through the GPP).

    Which consent strings are not supported at this time via GPP by Sharethrough?

    • At the moment, we are not supporting IAB Canada TCF via GPP. We understand the IAB intends to update the TCF policy, as such, we're holding on introducing support for the IAB TCF Canada via GPP until we have more clarity from both the IAB and the CAI.



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